Use support materials to expand your 3D printing horizons
Our hosts and 3D printing specialists Álvaro and Jess give us the lowdown on all the different benefits that arise from using support materials, and all the different ways in which they can be implemented.

Success stories
Yuugn lights the way to a sustainable future with 3D printed light fixtures
Dutch company Yuugn creates 3D printed light fixtures for office buildings, commercial spaces, and schools while putting a focus on sustainability.
White paper
Your Extensive Guide to the Properties of 3D Printing FFF Filaments
This white paper dives deep into physico-mechanical properties and impact, heat and water resistances, by evaluating the performance of every material in the BCN3D portfolio.

Success stories
Tecalum Industrial: Remarkable time and cost savings in the industrial sector thanks to 3D printed tooling
For Tecalum Industrial, implementing 3D printing into their day-to-day activities resulted in a great return on investment. Not only they significantly reduced the cost of producing customized tooling, jigs, and fixtures but they also save a remarkable amount of time by fabricating these parts in-house.

Materials for 3D printing & In-depth on fibre-filled
Which is the strongest 3D printing material? And… is stronger always better? In this webinar, Materials Engineer Dario Destro will walk you through the different 3D printing filament types currently available in the market and their properties, with a special emphasis on fiber-filled materials.

Success stories
TensaBelt: iterating to perfection thanks to 3D printing
TensaBelt has revolutionized its workflow since incorporating 3D printing for functional validation on their product design process. This technology has enabled them to create many iterations of each part at a low cost, ensuring to always achieve the desired result when it comes to the development of their queue management systems.

Success stories
Tensabelt: achieving maximum efficiency thanks to 3D printed tooling
Tensabelt has revolutionized its workflow since incorporating 3D printing to fabricate 100% functional customized tooling, which enables them to maximize efficiency, reducing a significant amount of time and costs in their production process of queue management systems.

Success stories
Improving surgical operations using the BCN3D Sigma 3D Printer
Thanks to the BCN3D Sigma 3D Printer, surgeons of the Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar are revolutionizing modern medicine by creating 3D printed replicas of organs and bones to practice before the operation and to better know what they are going to operate. This improvement in surgical planning allows to shorten the time of the operation and increase its effectiveness, as well as improving patient safety.